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How to Get Rid of Lice in Your House

This is a question that we often hear. There is a reason they are called head lice and not house lice. You can stop searching for how to treat house for lice or how to get rid of lice in your house. The reality is thatyou don't have to get rid lice in the house; without blood from the head, lice will die within 24 hours.

How Do You Clean Your House From Lice?

head lice cleaning house home laundry furniture floor carpet

At LiceDoctors, we often get calls from frustrated and tired parents asking how to get rid of lice in your house. It is not unusual for us to hear a parent say that she or he has disinfected the entire house in addition to trying a variety of head lice treatments, and yet the family continues to suffer from head lice. Given the short life of lice off of the head, it is not necessary to know how to treat house for lice; your time should be spent on treating the head, as again, these are not "house lice"-. You can clean day and night, but if there are still bugs and/or nits in the hair, the case has not ended.

Despite the fact that head lice will not be able to survive off of the head, many families, school nurses and even pediatricians still insist that cleaning the home from top to bottom including vacuuming, disinfecting surfaces, boiling hair accessories and laundering anything and everything your family may come into contact with is necessary. Often, this is the part of head lice treatment that families find to be most stressful. When you understand the physiology of lice and the environment they need to survive, you will comprehend why this is absolutely unnecessary. However, we still understand that, for peace of mind, some families need to do at least something to the home to address a lice infestation. Often, when speaking with my clients, I tell them that while it is not necessary to do anything with the home, they should do whatever they needed to do to feel at ease. These are a few of the practical things I suggest if they continue to insist that some type of cleaning needed to be done to the home.

Tip #1

The absolute very best way to address head lice in the home is to address the home in which head lice live – the human head. By effectively treating the head and making it an unsuitable environment in which to live, head lice will die within 24 hours. They need to feed on the blood from the human scalp to be able to survive, and without it, in a 24 hour period they will die.

Tip #2

get rid of lice on hair accessories brush scrunchie clean disinfect

Put hair accessories that your family has used in the last 24 hours in a zip lock back and leave it in the freezer overnight. I cannot stress enough that head lice do not like to leave the human head, but in the off chance a bug happened to take a jaunt onto a hair accessory, leaving it in the freezer overnight will ensure that anything on them is dead.

clean head lice car house furniture curtains vacuum lint roller

Tip #3

Use a lint roller on surfaces your family's head may have come into contact with like couches, car seats, seat belts, recliners, pillows, curtains, stuffed animals – you name it, go for it if it makes you feel better. Same with laundry— it's not necessary to wash the sheets as we leave you with a follow-up plan for the head, but if you are self-treating, it is a good idea to wash the sheets.

Lice Spray for House

call exterminator for head lice home yard pesticide spray home toxic

You will find conflicting information on the internet regarding options for lice house treatment and how to treat your house for lice, specifically in reference to pesticide sprays. Judy A, a mom from Lexington, Kentucky called us to come and treat her family. She wanted to know at what point should she begin to spray the house. Our answer was an unequivocal "NEVER"! She was surprised to hear that as her sister had been advised to spray her house by a company there. Run for the hills if you get that advice!

Again, head lice do not live, and cannot survive in the home. They are unable to survive off of the human head for more than one day before they will die. Because of this, you can reasonably conclude that spraying pesticides in and around your home is unnecessary. Not only is this costly, but it is dangerous as this step will expose your family to poisons without having any effect at all on a head lice infestation.

Another Lice Removal Choice

If you are looking for an effective solution to get rid of head lice that won't break the bank and will not put your family at risk, we can help! At LiceDoctors, technicians eliminate all visible bugs and lice eggs (nits) from the hair. You will also be provided a follow-up head lice treatment plan to ensure that any live lice in the house will not be able to get into the hair and survive – completely eliminating the need to do anything to your home. That's right – no cleaning, laundering, bagging or vacuuming! Remember that after 24 hours off the head those lice will be dead. LiceDoctors technicians will come to you and leave you lice-free. Before you waste your time and energy scrubbing down your house, clothes, and toys, give us a call at 800-224-2537 and let us explain how and why these treatments work. You haven't tried "everything" until you let a LiceDoctors technician come and eradicate your head lice problem. Learn more about our lice removal service.

How to Get Rid of Lice in Your House
